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Most of the times when advertisements interrupt our favourite dramas serials, we get annoyed. However, when the TV screens started dripping chocolate, viewers became curious and were tempted to indulge in the heavenly goodness of chocolate. No one knew what was in store for them. Lots of dripping chocolate teased the taste buds and left consumers wanting the real thing.

It all began with internet’s latest sensation, ‘Pawri’ girl, Dananeer Mobeen posting that her favourite ARY show was interrupted by an overflow of chocolate. She added a line stating that an ultimate brownie experience was about to hit us all!



Finally, the secret was out and the mystery was partially solved. All that chocolate came from a brownie but everyone wanted to know where to get that brownie from!

Soon the curiosity took over social media. The news spread like wildfire and more people started noticing that a luxuriously-sumptuous brownie disc was taking over!

Following Dananeer’s post, several social media handles reported that they’ve noticed the same. It then turned out to be the biggest mission to crack the code and hunt down this ultimate brownie.

Finally, Cornetto revealed it’s a new treat and everyone started screaming for a new ice cream flavour! The brand introduced yet another delicious frozen dessert to enjoy and fans across the country shared how they’re craving ice cream already.

The new Cornetto Disc Brownie is an absolute treat! The velvety-soft disc and gooey brownie bits all combined with brownie goodness make you crave for more and more.

The oozing chocolate dripping over the screen was a clever marketing stunt by the brand to make people realize that there’s truly nothing more satisfying than enjoying ice cream during the warmer months.

So, now that the secret is out, we all need some Cornetto Brownie Pawri in our lives!