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Though we are still not comfortable with the idea of back-to-back episodes, Surkh Chandni is one drama that justifies the long airtime as the story progresses rapidly, keeping us hooked to the screen. So far each episode has given us steady developments about all characters. This Tuesday, we saw that Sohai’s character — Aida — is on the road to physical recovery after a successful surgery. Her burns might be healing well but Aida’s psychological trauma has just begun.

Jawad (Asad Siddiqui) has turned Aida’s trauma in a vicious game as he satisfies his ego by harassing her. The culprit not only started circulating malicious rumours about her in the neighbourhood, but he is so egotistical that he confessed his crime to Aida, threatening to harm Amaan (Osman Khalid Butt) if she reveals his identity. We saw a weak and scared Aida who has succumbed under the pressure and declined to marry Amaan. Here’s a girl who had decided to never come back to her house not long ago, and now she has to endure the taunts of her sister-in-law, the suspicion in her brother’s eyes and the questions of her nosy neighbours with shattered self-esteem and physical pain.


Surkh Chandni


Mansha Pasha as the wicked sister-in-law Shumaila is a heartless woman. She is all schemes and has no regard or respect for any relationship. Despite having no family to turn to, she is adamant to ruin her husband’s family just for money and power. Yes, she isn’t concerned about her parents-in-law or her impressionable daughter. In fact, she is teaching her daughter all kinds of mean things to hurt Aida. Shumaila leaves no chance to mock and tease Aida; how she separates her crockery as if Aida has a contagious disease was a low blow. By now it has been established that Shumaila will make Aida’s life a living hell together with Jawad.


Surkh Chandni


Read: Sohai Ali Abro doesn’t let scars and burns dampen her spirit in ‘Surkh Chandni’

It was tormenting to see Aida suffer in sweltering heat despite of her burns. Though her loosely tied or open hair in many scenes seemed quite irrational as her burns have not healed completely. We found solace in the fact that she revealed Jawad’s true face to her mother and soon the news will reach Amaan. One worth-mentioning development in the story is when Amaan accepts her rejection and says that he cannot join the long list of people who have crushed her self-esteem.


Surkh Chandni


The next episode’s promo was disturbing to say the least. Aida will be shamed and humiliated again; we expect Shumaila to plant fake proof of her alleged affair. Consequently, Aida will be beaten, bashed and her plight will be termed as her fault. Amaan will lodge an FIR against Jawad but keeping in mind Jawad’s influence and resources, he will get away with it. Surkh Chandni has so far impressed us as the writing is crisp and free from artificial and dramatic displays. Here’s hoping that the drama keeps the same pace and Amaan succeeds in making Jawad pay for his heinous crimes.

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