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I do all my field work and market rounds on Saturday, that is how I keep myself updated with what’s up, what’s new out there and ensure that I’m not missing anything. Today was a happening Saturday, which began with a trip to Sanaullah on Tariq Road for the HSY for Ittehad lawn launch.


(L-R) Maliha Rehman, Fareshteh Aslam, HSY, Ayesha Omar, me and Zahir Rahimtoola.


I didn’t plan to buy anything but went out of my way for HSY, you do that for HSY because the man deserves respect for turning the face of fashion around in Pakistan. His attitude is so great. I may not love everything he designs but I love his persona, his optimism and his sense of nationalism. He’s integral to fashion in Pakistan. Our meeting, of course, included an animated discussion on why his image works on a lawn billboard while certain other people didn’t. I’ll be diplomatic and not mention those who shouldn’t. We both agreed that there are no formulas but it boils down to the strength of the image. If you can pull off being on a billboard even at 60, then go ahead. But some people are better off behind the camera, even at 20. Sheru’s not one of them, just to be clear. He belongs on the top of Eiffel Tower, he’s so luminous.


Shahmsha Hashwani at her recent boutique launch.

Moving on, it was my first trip to the chic Shamsha Hashwani store that was the pinnacle of the day. What a store and what an experience! Delightfully clean aesthetic, perfect colour palettes and competitive price ranges. There wasn’t a stitch out of place and it was an incredibly dreamy experience. Now that I can fit into ready to wear (and I couldn’t six months ago) I see myself shopping here and going bankrupt very easily. I loved!

An example of what's in store. And believe me, there's a lot more!


Next up, my first trip to Mehreen & Menahal who paled in comparison. After Shamsha’s sharp lines, M&M appeared sloppy and overpriced. Don’t get me wrong, they weren’t bad. But they paled in comparison. Need I elaborate?


A trip to Ensemble was on the itinerary; there was an interesting exhibition of cottons on sale. Exciting, but by the time I got there a lot of stock had sold out and so there wasn’t much to see. Nevertheless, it was good to catch up with Zeba, Shezray and Shehrnaz. Hadn’t met them for ages!


A towering Sanam Chaudhri with her friend Tania, wearing one of her cotton designs. It would have been nice to see more but they were all gone by 6pm!


Another high point of the day, however, was the preview I got to Sania Maskatiya’s lawn range. Her own and a selection of prints from the Al-Karam range. As always, it was distinctive, colourful and very Sania. Of course I immediately eyed three irresistible prints. One was especially deep: a blend of barbed wire, cages and butterflies. I’d call it Kafkaesque, not that many people will see it that way. But try.


Cages on the sleeves, barbed wire on the shoulders, butterflies and an explosive colour palette. Lots to think about here.

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