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In a world where every step taken forward by women is surrounded by countless criticism, there are many who have proven that hate cannot stop them. Whether it’s in their daily routine or in their every move to become stronger each day, these are the women who make it their goal to be their own role-model; and, proving exactly that is Maybelline New York.

Launching their ‘Maker women’ campaign ads in Pakistan –which have previously been seen in South East Asia– brilliantly uses Ali Sethi’s rendition of ‘Humsa Ho Tou Samnay Aye’ in a video which proves that Maybelline stands for all women who take a leap of faith and become those who run the world in their own way. From being a business tycoon who burns the midnight oil to the woman who fights patriarchal norms, the Maybelline Maker Woman doesn’t stop in front of hurdles but rather find a way through them.

Featuring Ayesha Omar, Zoe Viccaji, artist Naveen Shakil, MMA fighter Sarah Tareen, and storyteller Alina Ehtesham, the video is an ode to all those whose who not only leap from the bounds of society, but to those who know that any one can dream to be a Maker woman by doing what they do best.

The video features Maybelline brand ambassador Ayesha Omar amongst other women who make it happen.

So, who exactly is a Maybelline Maker Woman? She’s someone who wakes up every morning and walks out into the world like it’s her own. She owns it. She faces challenges by standing up and making her voice heard. She embraces life and is proud of her individuality. She is bold, fierce and unstoppable. Above all, she believes in her ability to make it happen.

If you want to know more, stay tuned to this space as we get you more on the Maker Women soon, but, till then check out this beautifully done video and make it happen!