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For many of us the PFDC L’Oreal Paris Bridal Week has officially kicked off.

It was a blissfully timely and smooth Air Blue flight to Lahore (compliments L’Oreal) and though we were initially a bit apprehensive about flying Air Blue, it came as a blessing in disguise. Yes, the flight was punctual and landed without any technical difficulties etc. The general opinion amongst Civil Aviation staff was that the government has deliberately destabilized PIA to make way for Indus Air, being flown in by Feryal Talpur, the President’s sister.

Anyway, bumped into Zaheer Abbas and Raheel Rao at the airport lounge. The designer was quite excited about designing his first bridal collection, which he will be showing in Nabila’s Gold to Bold style showcase. I won’t go into details of her concept as it’ll give away the element of surprise but I must say that there are a lot of expectations.

Zaheer’s collection, he said, would be using all traditionally festive fabrics like Jamevar, silk etc, and would feature several different types of embellishment. Created on a palette of plum and purple, he was quite excited about his bridal debut.

More on that tomorrow…you can follow me @aamnaisani on Twitter for live updates from the venue. Tomorrow’s line up includes a style segment entitled Gold to Bold by Nabila (with bridal costumes designed by Zaheer Abbas) followed by collections by HSY, Kiran Fine Jewellery and Sonia Azhar.

Till then, lots of people flying in in batches. Till later…

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