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According to the Oxford Dictionary, a bias has two meanings”

1. An inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair: the bias towards younger people in recruitment

2. A concentration on or interest in one particular area or subject: his work showed a discernible bias towards philosophy

When people say I, as a journalist, am biased, I think they refer to point 1 not 2. I do think that in the years I’ve spent as a fashion journalist in Pakistan I am biased, but more 2 than 1. I am biased towards talented designers, towards quality and most of all professionalism. How am I a judge of all these characteristics? Twelve years on the job do tell you a thing or two about the people you’re working with.

I’ll tell you who I have a bias against. I do have a bias against double-faced people: those slimy crooks who are sweet to your face and the biggest bitches behind your back. I do have a bias against crooks: people who steal iPhones from parties, blackmail new designers for hundreds of thousands of rupees against coverage, people who promise awards against new TV sets, phones and/or trips abroad. Basically, the low lifes.

I really don’t care what people do in their personal lives but when their lowliness filters into the industry I write about – fashion – I do form opinions. And if having an opinion  against unprofessionalism and incompetence is being biased, then sure, I don’t mind being called biased.

Now let me tell you why I have a bias towards Lotus PR. I have been accused of it now and again and I want to ask the accusers (usually Lotus competitors, as in other PROs) that what would I achieve or get in return for promoting Lotus PR? A well-written press release? Accurately captioned pictures? Prompt information? Professional behaviour? That’s four things more than most PROs can deliver and they have the galls to question the media’s fondness for Lotus! Seriously?

As I tweeted earlier, are the grapes really that sour?

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