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Pakistan’s Fashion Council, FP, has announced the resumption of fashion weeks in the country with a two-day event to be held in Karachi on December 5 and 6, 2020.

The announcement was made via press release yesterday and comes as both a relief and a ray of hope for Pakistan’s fashion industry, that has been struggling to stay afloat in a Covid-hit landscape. FP’s previously announced fashion outing, FPW Spring Summer 2020, was scheduled to take place in April 2020 but was postponed indefinitely when the pandemic took over and the entire country went into lockdown.

“FPW 2020 will be embracing the new digital format utilized globally and the collections by live streaming the show directly from the venue. In a post Covid-19 environment, FPW 2020 will be following International Fashion week’s trends and GoP guidelines by restricting seating and traditional fashion week practices,” the press release stated.

One looks forward to a resurgence of fashion, creativity and aesthetic pleasure replete. The lineup for FPW2020 has not yet been revealed but one expects it to be top of the line as the first outing back into fashion needs to be as elevating as possible. Fashion Weeks have started returning to runways all around the world; Jeremy Scot this week hit the ball out of the park with his show for Moschino. A lineup of marionettes at Milan Fashion Week was an out of the box concept as well as a metaphor. ‘Was the designer painting a picture of our turbulent times through metaphors of political puppeteering, “strings attached,” and questions of real versus fake?’ Vogue wrote about the show.

While we can”t get to that level, yet, in Pakistan, it is expected that designers – who have had half the year to refresh their creative juices – to present collections that will help revive the aesthetic balance that life has been missing in the past six months.

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