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The best thing about BCW styling was that all three days were assigned to three different hair and makeup artists. Depilex styled day one, Khawar Riaz the next and Tony & Guy the last. But if that was the best thing then the Shahzad Raza style segment, pushed into the schedule by sponsors (of which the stylist is brand ambassador), was undoubtedly the worst.

Brides of Dracula?

Ather Shahzad models were designed to boast the stylist’s skills in hair flair but what they presented were different ways to wear wigs, hair extensions, add-ons etc. None of the styling was natural, which is what it should have been and the models ended up looking like brides of Dracula. The only saving grace was having a stunning Iman back on the catwalk and she – wearing her natural hair and not some UFO plate – looked absolutely stunning.

Shahzad Raza’s forte has always been making girls look beautiful and he is known for the hundreds of brides he styles each day. One wished he had focused on that strength alone. He should have presented different, ideal looks for brides this season instead of attempting an alien concept that was as out of place as it could be.

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