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With a catchy  tagline such as ‘mana lo food ka love with 7Up‘, we can safely say 7Up and Pakistani food have a forever lasting love story! Last Sunday’s 7Up Food Mob and Media Meet was perhaps the weekend’s most exciting get-together and the event lived up to the food-loving reputation enjoyed by 7Up.

It all started with a Facebook debate on the popular group ‘Foodies R Us’ which is known for action-packed food events. What started as a discussion about the best kind of biryani, culminated in an all-round food-inclusive event that lit up every foodie’s Sunday.

‘Foodies R Us’ founder and ultra-popular foodie Asad Sheikh organized the event with 7Up.

Weekends are the favourite time for all Lahoris especially now that winter is coming – eating out in Lahore is the most popular aspect of Lahori food culture and so is socializing. The brand made the most of it with this fun-filled 7Up Food Mob.



The event had more to it than just food. It was attended by foodies from all over town; and had a number of cuisines as part of the buffet. Also, heated debates took place on very important food matters such as the presence of aloo in biryani, the hundred different kinds of samosas and a lot more.

But all debate and discussion aside, the foodies attending the event and their opinions all took a rest once the buffet was served and everyone present at the event lived up to the reputation of “no love is greater than the love of food”.

No true foodie from Lahore would like to miss out on a food-packed Sunday – so we are very excited for the next Food Mob arranged by 7Up and we hope there are plenty of food-related guilty pleasures for us to fulfill!

*Haute Promotion

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